Black backdrops

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Chicago Chad

Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Reaction score
I need some help with picking out a solid black backdrop. My point and shoot camera will not allow me to adjust the white balance so I need to shoot outside of the terrariums. I would like to use a spot light and a black draped cloth backdrop. Any suggestions?
I use black Muslin stretched over a homemade frame. I think it cost me like 12 bucks in materials to make. I have a piece of black poster board if I don't fee like moving a plant out of the gh, but haven't used it much since I cut my collection in half. Now I have room to work with on my middle bench.
Hmmm, I think I need to go the velvet route too. Black velvet sounds a bit like a cocktail? If so, I definitely need to switch!
Actually, that was my nickname! :evil:
:rollhappy: I think I will refrain from hanging you up to take pouch close-ups!

switch (n) a change of opinion, policy, or method (Oxford Dictionary):)
I currently use a sheet/black cotton, but it has a surface texture which shows up in the background of my poor photo attempts.
You can use a cheaper cloth, as long as you put it far enough back so that it isn't in the field of focus.
I had an AOS official photographer tell me that it was acceptable to use colors other than black as backdrops for awards photos but that it helped to have it back far enough so that it didn't show up that much. One thing about velvet is that it is a dust magnet so you have to be careful to keep it clean, and keeping it rolled up in a poster tube can help

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