well this must be my lucky month!
two orchids opened their flowers and what do you know... the tags are completely bogus!
1. Miltonia spectabilis var morreliana 'Karl' - bought at a society auction from the collection of a very well known grower.
maybe they forgot the part of the tag that goes 'x Milt. clowesi' because this looks like the hybrid Miltonia Bluntii... hmm.. so another species that has to go back on the wish list!
2. Paph Honey - ok, in hindsight I should have known that neither Paph philippinense nor Paph primulinum has tesselated leaves... but this was one of the plants that I purchased when I first really got into Paphs... so I was a dumb newbie then... oh and bought from a well known Orchid Nursery
whatdyareckon? Paph Ashburtoniae?
just goes to show.... one never really knows until the flowers open... and then even then...
two orchids opened their flowers and what do you know... the tags are completely bogus!
1. Miltonia spectabilis var morreliana 'Karl' - bought at a society auction from the collection of a very well known grower.

maybe they forgot the part of the tag that goes 'x Milt. clowesi' because this looks like the hybrid Miltonia Bluntii... hmm.. so another species that has to go back on the wish list!
2. Paph Honey - ok, in hindsight I should have known that neither Paph philippinense nor Paph primulinum has tesselated leaves... but this was one of the plants that I purchased when I first really got into Paphs... so I was a dumb newbie then... oh and bought from a well known Orchid Nursery

whatdyareckon? Paph Ashburtoniae?
just goes to show.... one never really knows until the flowers open... and then even then...