I asked Julie to make a few cuttings of Bulbophyllums, and the next thing I know, she's hacking apart the Bulbophyllum purpureorhachis! We have 5 divisions, all with a lead growth. Because of the larger size, we will ship bare root with a bit of moist moss. We have grown and bloomed it successfully in a large bulb pan in fine bark. Prices are as follows:
Division #1: 2 growths and a lead growth......$40
Division #2: 4 growths and a lead......................$65
Division #3: 3 growths and a lead.....................$50
Division #4 3 growths and a lead.....................$50
Division #5 1 growth and a lead.......................$30
Shipping by Priority Mail will be $15. I can accept Credit cards or PayPal. I can hold shipping for cooler weather if necessary. Send me a PM if interested.

Division #1: 2 growths and a lead growth......$40
Division #2: 4 growths and a lead......................$65
Division #3: 3 growths and a lead.....................$50
Division #4 3 growths and a lead.....................$50
Division #5 1 growth and a lead.......................$30
Shipping by Priority Mail will be $15. I can accept Credit cards or PayPal. I can hold shipping for cooler weather if necessary. Send me a PM if interested.