Well-Known Member
This was purchased as Bulbphyllum arfakianum, but I highly doubt it as the flower measures nearly 10cm. My best guess is Bulbo Taiwan Cicad ( arfakianum x burfordiense) or, if you're a lumper, Bulbophyllum Hsinying Grand-Arfa (arfakianum x grandiflorum). Either way, it's cool as hell. The sepals were fused at first but split apart with a light jostle. I suspect they'd have split on their own, eventually. When it first opened, it smelled very much like Paph malipoense, now it smells like vomit. Nothing to worry about, it's extremely faint and undetectable from a few fingers' widths away from the flower. The 6mm lip is hinged and wobbles with the slightest breeze.