Callosum seedlings question

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I have deflasked Paph callosum last spring and they have been growing nicely in shaded place of my orchid tank. It is my understanding that leaves on callosum should have pattern. However on my seedlings it is not quite pronounced.
Is it because they are too young to have strong pattern or I am doing something wrong? I feed with balanced 20-20-20 ferts at dilluted rate and sprinkled some crushed oyster shell on top of bark.
If anybody has a picture of callosum seedlings with correct leaves color as they should be, could you please post it.
Thanks a lot
Thank you, PaphMadMan and Ozpaph.
I think mine are about the same, more or less...
Here are the photos(yellow bottom leaves on some seedlings came from flask), what do you think?

Tray 1:

Tray 2:
They look normal and healthy to me, and markings should increase as they mature. The older yellow leaves are no concern as long as new leaves are coming in green.
Looking good so far. I would fill more of the mix into the trays (at least into the one with the larger seedlings) to cover the roots and the base of the elder leaves. My experience is that they start growing roots more easily then.