Can someone look this up for me???

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The Orchid Boy

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2012
Reaction score
Can someone look up Potinara Memoria Irene Feil ‘Ruby Red’ for me in Orchid Wiz? I'd like to know all the species that are in this hybrid. And I know that techinically it isn't potinara anymore.
It is a very complex hybrid, having 99 ancestors over 11 generations.

Alphabetically by species name, there are the following in its background:

C bicolor
C cinnabarina
C coccinea
C crispata
Rl digbyana
C dowiana
C eldorado
C harpophylla
C labiata
C lueddemanniana
C mendelii
C milleri
C mossiae
C percivaliana
C pumila
C purpurata
C quadricolor
C rex
C schroderae
C tenebrosa
C trianae
C warneri
C warscewiczii
C xanthina
Expressed in another way, the predominate species are:

25% Cattleya (Laelia) pumila
22.7% Cattlea (Sophronitis) coccinea
17.6% Cattleya dowiana
6.4% Cattleya (Laelia) cinnabarina
6.3% Cattleya (Laelia) milleri

Though percentages don't mean much after 1 or 2 generations. All those other species are each 3.6% or less and 5 or more generations back.

You can work through all the generations in the Orchid Register website, but it is a LOT easier with OrchidWiz.

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