The five purpurata clones that I grow have reacted in the same way to their new grow room. In their second season and their first full year of growth in the room, they’ve done very well with nice big leads and sheaths. Two of them produced a second growth after the first matured in late winter, also with sheaths. I’ve not seen this before when they were grown on a windowsill.
However they’ve been very slow to bloom this year. The first one did so about a month ago and is now breaking a new lead. This is the second to flower and the others are showing some buds at the base of the sheaths.
A primary hybrid of purpurata, xcanhamiana coerulea is also just showing buds and again is very late compared to previous years.

Quite why they’re so late is unknown. It could just be settling down in their new home or it could be a reaction to the new lighting or temperatures. Time will tell. I will try to tweak a few things over winter.
However they’ve been very slow to bloom this year. The first one did so about a month ago and is now breaking a new lead. This is the second to flower and the others are showing some buds at the base of the sheaths.
A primary hybrid of purpurata, xcanhamiana coerulea is also just showing buds and again is very late compared to previous years.

Quite why they’re so late is unknown. It could just be settling down in their new home or it could be a reaction to the new lighting or temperatures. Time will tell. I will try to tweak a few things over winter.