On top of it: it was bought as a var. flava - which around its first time flowering made me a bit disappointed, as it clearly wasn't flava.My favourite aurantiaca variety, maybe the rarest: pure, nice orange without any spot.
Flava x self or maybe flava x typical form....or maybe just a colour form in its own right..think Stephen's proposal of 'fma. concolor' is a good bid! But will we ever know?Maybe flava x self?
Nice fragrance?
Aurantiaca is naturally a concolor so no forma designation required lol.Flava x self or maybe flava x typical form....or maybe just a colour form in its own right..think Stephen's proposal of 'fma. concolor' is a good bid! But will we ever know?
It had a nice slightly fruity, floral scent!
In this you seem at odds, Leslie, with so highly acclaimed an authority on Cattleyas as Withner. In his 6 vol. monography on the genus he described the colouring of the flower of the typical form as follows: "The colors varies from yellow through a deep orange-red with red or purple veins [sic!] running from the throat out onto the pointed lip (vol. 1, p. 40 r., 1988).Aurantiaca is naturally a concolor so no forma designation required lol.
nice concolour