Cattleya Bob Betts 'The Virgin' FCC/AOS

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2019
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C. Bob Betts is C. Bow Bells x C. mossiae and was registered by Clint McDade of Rivermont Orchids in 1950. I'm not sure which C. Bow Bells was used to make the original grex, but many suspect the mossiae used was actually a C. gravesiana (C. lueddemanniana x C. mossiae). According to the AOS Heritage Auction catalog, 'The Virgin' was not from the original grex, but from a sibling cross done later by McDade at Rivermont using C. Bob Betts '52' x C. Bob Betts 'Rivermont'. I don't know if '52' is still around, but Bob Betts 'Rivermont' is still floating around in collections. 'The Virgin' was awarded a 91 point FCC in 1960 to George Cutler. This is certainly not an FCC flowering - the sepals are extremely recurved, but the flowers are HUGE and extremely fragrant. I personally see a lot of mossiae in this flower, particularly with the way the petals fall forward, but maybe I'm just hoping to see that influence.

With C. Bow Bells 'Purity' FCC/AOS. Purity has the better form by far, but the Bob Betts is larger. It will be interesting to see how future blooms compare as the Bow Bells matures.
There is definitely a lot of wonderful mossiae shape in that flower. And if it was x Gravesiana it would have to have been a alba form. So very unlikely.
What happened to the dorsals? Is that the mossiae influence? As I've posted many times, I love white flowers and
will enjoy watching these plants mature.
I’m hoping it’s just this flowering, I have a hard time believing it would have an FCC if it always bloomed like this. I’m still surprised how variable flowerings on the same plant can be from year-to-year. Fingers crossed for the next sheath!
You should put the Bow Bells pollen on Bob Betts and make a crop of FCC José Martí !
Interesting idea, I think there’s only 1 quality award to the cross, so I guess it didn’t surpass either of the parents. I wonder which plants were used to make the original grex?
I don't think McBeans dose much with cattleyas anymore, but maybe you know more about that David?
you’re right, Mcbeans haven’t offered catts for some time,
Yah, That's what I thought. Last time one of my English friends went to McBean's he said that there was mostly Cymbidiums & Odontoglossums also a few Paphiopedilums and Phalaenopsis floating around.
I'm assuming 'The Virgin' is an original plant, as I know you have several. If so, I think you can rest assured it will come into its own. I just got an OP of this Bob Betts, and also of Bow Bells 'Honolulu'. A Bow Bells that came down through Waldor from Joe Grezaffi that was never awarded. It seems Joe held it very tightly and never showed it and now they've stopped awarding Bow Bells cultivars as it was determined it had received too many (enough) awards. Don't know what I think about that, but that's for another thread. I grow under lights, so it will be interesting to see my first bloom of these.
I'm assuming 'The Virgin' is an original plant, as I know you have several. If so, I think you can rest assured it will come into its own. I just got an OP of this Bob Betts, and also of Bow Bells 'Honolulu'. A Bow Bells that came down through Waldor from Joe Grezaffi that was never awarded. It seems Joe held it very tightly and never showed it and now they've stopped awarding Bow Bells cultivars as it was determined it had received too many (enough) awards. Don't know what I think about that, but that's for another thread. I grow under lights, so it will be interesting to see my first bloom of these.
Yes, 'The Virgin' is an original plant. It's getting to be a space hog, so I'm hoping the bloom quality will improve on a larger plant, otherwise, it may need to find a new home. I also have a division of Honolulu, it was never shown for an award, but it was used extensively in breeding, and according to Jeff Bradley's talk, was the first cattleya cloned. My division has been somewhat slow to re-establish, so no blooms this year. Excited to see what they do for you!
interesting how the blooms vary...I have a Bob Betts 'Liberty Hill' that varies from producing super large, floppy flowers to slightly smaller but much better-formed blooms.

For any fans of the old whites, I have a pod of Bow Bells 'Rex' x 'Honolulu' that is maturing...I didn't know the ploidy of 'Rex' but Honolulu is 4N. but the pod is still developing 7 mo later...
interesting how the blooms vary...I have a Bob Betts 'Liberty Hill' that varies from producing super large, floppy flowers to slightly smaller but much better-formed blooms.

For any fans of the old whites, I have a pod of Bow Bells 'Rex' x 'Honolulu' that is maturing...I didn't know the ploidy of 'Rex' but Honolulu is 4N. but the pod is still developing 7 mo later...
I had 'Liberty Hill' OP and 'White Lightening' meristem and agree, but I think most cattleyas vary from bloom to bloom. I notice those that bloom twice a year are always best in the fall.

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