I used to love coerulea everything so needless to say that when an opportunity arose to get a division of this classic came up from a judge in my area, I snatched it up 
Third blooming for me. This time with ten flowers! Max height of PB 18 inch in my conditions. Flowers about 3.5-4 cm NS.
Culture: High light T5 (3000 fc), bark mix in SWC (sits in water with bottom layer of clay pellets), water liberally with slight drying in between. Love constant air movement. Warm all year.

Flowers just opened 2 days. Hopefully the lip expands a bit more. Sometimes low humidity will deter full floral expansion (my indoor heating averages 40% RH).
Third blooming for me. This time with ten flowers! Max height of PB 18 inch in my conditions. Flowers about 3.5-4 cm NS.
Culture: High light T5 (3000 fc), bark mix in SWC (sits in water with bottom layer of clay pellets), water liberally with slight drying in between. Love constant air movement. Warm all year.

Flowers just opened 2 days. Hopefully the lip expands a bit more. Sometimes low humidity will deter full floral expansion (my indoor heating averages 40% RH).