But wouldn't it be remarkable if these plants become widely cultivated, particularly both as pot plants as well as garden. If they can be propagated widely enough, they could become rather common. I wonder, also, what the long-term consequences of interspecific breeding will be, particularly over many generations, which appears to be the intention here. And that many of these hybrids will have progenitors from more than one continent. That would be fairly rare among Orchidaceae. I'm trying to think of other examples, and I can't, as most genera seem to have evolved on a single continent (with the exception of Australia), but the genus Cypripedium is circumpolar rather than continental. I wonder whether the hybrids will have hybrid vigor that will make them easier to grow in gardens. I know that I tried to grow some C. parviflorum in Mississippi, and failed, probably because of the heat. C. kentuckiense might have been more successful, although even it is from a bit further north.