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Are you referring to the flower petal form/shape? The Orchid Digest I think may not have a complete information. There are 3 groups for flower petal forms/shapes. The flower petal forms/shapes refer to the dorsal sepal and lateral sepals of the flower.

1. Plum Petal Form/Shape (also called round petal/form): Song Mei is in this group. This is my favourite flower petal shape/form because I like the symmetry.

2. Lotus Petal Form/Shape: This is the most rare out of the 3 groups. This is the most desirable flower petal form/shape out of the 3.

3. Daffodil Petal Form/Shape (I think this is the Lily petal that the orchid digest refers to).

I think in the old days, there were not too many things to do (TV, internet, phone), so they thought about how to torture people in the future. The Chinese classified goeringii flower petals/forms based on other existing flowers.

For example, plum flowers bloom in the winter, and if you look a a plum flower, the petal shape is round/circular. A Cym. goeringii flower that has a round sepals (for example song mei exibits this kind of shape), they call this type of sepal "a Plum flower petal/form".

The same logic goes for the Lotus and Daffodil petals shape/forms.

Now, let's discuss about the petals of a Cym. goeringii. For the Chinese, the clones with "closed" petals are the most desirable. All the classic/traditional clones, the 2 petals are tightly "hugging" the column and the pollinia of the flower,  so that you cannot see them. This is the most desirable petal form. This particular trait reflects Confucious/Toaism teaching. Many of the Japanese clones have a "somewhat open" petals where you can see the column and pollinia of the flower, which is considered "disqualified" by the Chinese.

There is also a ranking system for the shape of the lips and a ranking system for shape of the pollinia/column which is very complicated so I am not going to explain it here.

This is how the Chinese appreciates and values Cymbidium goeringii flowers and there is a chart ranking all the diserable qualities to be qualified as a worthwhile clone to collect, IMO, this kind of appreciation is much more complicated (philosophical) and deeper than AOS judging. AOS judging is very superficial when you are comparing to the Chinese judging system for Cymbidium goeringii IMO.

In my experience, Chinese Cym. goeringii have leaf length between 45cm-60cm. All Cym. goeringii the lowest you can go is -5C. None of these qualities are related to the clone. However, the Chinese do select for the leaf shape. They are all specially selected. In my opinion, the Chinese varieties have a superior leaf shape than the Japanese varieties.
