Dendrobium scabrilingue

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2012
Reaction score
Fairbanks, Alaska, USA
I have been swamped by work etc. recently, so I'm not posting much. But I made a bit of time to edit the photos (and I even have a time to attend old-time music jam tomorrow)! I got this one from scratch-and-dent sale of Seattle Orchids in Sept 2016. It's supposed to be a bit touchy species, so I'm not sure how long it will last. But it has wonderfully pleasant fragrance.

Link to my Orchid Borealis blog post about this species (and other Alaskan topic).

Dendrobium scabrilingue on Flickr

Dendrobium scabrilingue on Flickr

Dendrobium scabrilingue on Flickr
I can't keep these alive for long. I have trouble with all the Nigrohirsute species. I hope yours does better. It looks pretty healthy.
Great species and the flowers will last a long time....

However I would not recommend Seattle Orchids for my own personal reasons--They used many of my photos without permission in the past. I hope they've changed their business practice.
Dan, I'm growing at a cool end, max/min daily temperature of 29/18C (84/65F) in the summer and 21/13C (70/55F) in the winter. But another person in OrchidsForum grows it at a warmer end of intermediate. It is fairly close to the LED, but I think it is slightly less than "Cattleya level". I think 13h day for the sumemr and 11h in the winter. It's in a grow tent, and RH is usually around 80%. I water it every other day with 20ppmN MSU. It probably would be better to give seasonal differences, but other than the temp and day length, I'm not giving dry winter.
Thanks Naoki. I have similar conditions to yours, although slightly warmer and lower humidity. Many of these types do not take a full winter rest, so it sounds like your culture resembles the typical for the section.

Wonderful plant and great growing! :clap:
Beautiful. I've always lusted after this species. I finally have one but it's still recovering from the quarantine treatment. Mine had a very long dormancy where it did absolutely nothing for about 8 months. Definitely one of the more difficult species in the section I think. But worth every minute.

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