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Divisions, Seedlings and Flasks

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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I will be dividing a bunch of my plants in my collection. I also have many seedlings, Paphs, Phrags, Phals. Flasks will be available soon. I can ship with CITES/PHYTO. Wondering if anyone will be interested in pulling a mass order to save on shipping and document fees? If so I will work on a price list and post it on here.
I used to but don't any longer. I think it can be done on line and if I remember correctly they were fairly quick about it. Less than a month I believe and it was good for 3 years. I'd be interested as well as I'm doing both paphs. and phals but still not phrags. This would be the time of year to ship. The next 6 month would be good shipping weather almost anywhere in the US.
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I would also be interested and an import license can be provided. Please PM when you have a list together of sizes, quanity and price.
Working on the list now.. will check with my lab to see what flasks will be ready to ship in a few months time.
I know in the past the flasks have taken a beating come into the US. Will these be the wisky type flasks or the ones we are more used to in the US either glass beaker types or wide mouth plastic ones which are now the most prevalent in the US as they don't break and the plants are easy to get out?
I would definitely be interested. We do not require cites import permit, only an import permit on our side (which I have for 20 kg plants). We do require a cites certificate that the plants are legaly propagated from you, and a phyto.
I know in the past the flasks have taken a beating come into the US. Will these be the wisky type flasks or the ones we are more used to in the US either glass beaker types or wide mouth plastic ones which are now the most prevalent in the US as they don't break and the plants are easy to get out?

Mine are square plastic containers. 10 seedlings per flasks.
I would definitely be interested. We do not require cites import permit, only an import permit on our side (which I have for 20 kg plants). We do require a cites certificate that the plants are legaly propagated from you, and a phyto.

That would be so easy from my side.
Here's a partial list. Need more time to go through my greenhouse and waiting from lab's inventory.

Prices in USD.

Bulb. auratum fma. aurea 4 bulbs div. $30
Bulb. blumei 4 bulbs div. $15
Bulb. contortisepalum 4 bulbs $25
Bulb. fascinator 4 bulbs div. $20
Bulb. fascinator ‘Renji’ (25cm ) $100
Bulb. fascinator fma. semi-alba 3 bulbs $150
Bulb. burfodiense 4 bulbs $20
Bulb. fascinator var. corazonae 4 bulbs $30
Bulb. grandiflora ‘Tokyo’ 4 bulbs $15
Bulb. grandiflora ‘Jayapura’ GM/JOGA 3 bulbs $75
Bulb. grandiflora ‘Elim’ AM/AOS 3 bulbs $75
Bulb. grandiflora ‘AquaGem’s Giraffe’ 3 bulbs $75
Bulb. grandiflora fma. aurea ‘Shining Fuju’ 3 Bulbs $125
Bulb. lasiochilum (RED) 4 bulbs $30
Bulb. makoyanum ‘Mem. Kenji’ BM/WOC 3 bulbs $75
Bulb. pahudii 3 growth $50
Bulb. phalaenopsis ‘Suzanne’ AM/AOS 3 bulbs $500
Bulb. venulosum 3 bulb $40

Catt. aclandiae ‘Dark Queen’ 3 growth $200
Catt. Aloha Case ‘Fuschia Giant’ GM/WOC 3 growth $300
Catt. Green Emerald ‘Kevin’s Indulgence’ HCC/OSSEA 3 growth $200
Catt intermedia var. Orlata ‘Select’ 3 growth $100

Den. spectabile ‘Renji’ 3 cane $150

Epi. falcatum ‘Yamada’ 3 growth $50

Paph. hirtsutissimum $10 per growth. Min 3 growth
Paph. esquirolei $10 per growth. Min 3 growth
Paph. veustum fma. measuresianum seedling $10
Paph. dianthum fma. alba ‘Hiroki’ GM/WOC 1 growth $3000
Paph. dianthum ‘Hiroki’ 2 growth $350

Para. serpentilingua BS $50

Phal. chalattadae BS $70
Phal. deliciosa fma alba NBS $75

Phrag. Sunset Glow ‘Big Boy’ (4N) x Sorcerer’s Apprentice ‘Lothar’ AM/AOS (4N)
10-12cm $10

Phrag. Wossner Super Grande ‘Jamyang’ 3 growth Div. $100
Trigonidium ergotonianum 5-8 growth div $20

Vanda coerulescens BS $30
Vanda tricolor $30 per growth Div
Vanda sanderiana ‘Total Eclipse’ NBS Keiki $300
Vanda tessellata fma alba. $40

Flasks (10 Plants)

Vanda. sanderiana fma. alba x sib $80

Paph. Cocoa Lovely x charlesworthii fma. alba ‘Impress’ SSM/JOGA $80

Phrag. Jason Fischer x wallisii 10 plants $50

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