I keep getting emails from someone showing me photos of cool miniatures. : )
I was looking around at J&L, Andy's and Petite Plaisance and found some interesting moderate light, intermediate-temp loving miniatures that caught my eye. Do you grow any of these? Are they picky? How do you grow them (mounted, potted)? What miniatures are missing from this list that any miniature lover must have?
Amesiella philippinensis
Ceratochilus biglandulosus
Ceratostylis rubra
Cirrhaea dependens
Dyakia hendersoniana
Haraella odorata
Jumellea comorensis
Jumellea arachnantha
Leptotes bicolor
Leptotes unicolor
Meiracyllium trinasutrum
Stereochilus dalatensis
Sarcochilus hartmannii
I left Angrecoids and other genera like Phalaenopsis off for a reason. I wanted to make a list of "other" species that might be interesting to have.
I was looking around at J&L, Andy's and Petite Plaisance and found some interesting moderate light, intermediate-temp loving miniatures that caught my eye. Do you grow any of these? Are they picky? How do you grow them (mounted, potted)? What miniatures are missing from this list that any miniature lover must have?
Amesiella philippinensis
Ceratochilus biglandulosus
Ceratostylis rubra
Cirrhaea dependens
Dyakia hendersoniana
Haraella odorata
Jumellea comorensis
Jumellea arachnantha
Leptotes bicolor
Leptotes unicolor
Meiracyllium trinasutrum
Stereochilus dalatensis
Sarcochilus hartmannii
I left Angrecoids and other genera like Phalaenopsis off for a reason. I wanted to make a list of "other" species that might be interesting to have.