After the unexpected success of adding growstones into the culture of the phrags they have started to flower.
First up is Don Wimber 'remembrance' from the EYOF via Ratcliffes.
Photos were taken in the early evening so there is a rosy glow on the flowers.
No evidence of any polyploidy in this clone but there might be a touch of dallesandroi from the petal shape. Anyway it is growing very well now and the flowers are larger and better coloured than before.
Next is La Hougette ( dallesandroi x Beauport 4n) so this is a triploid plant. This stem has two branches for the first time and is the first of four flowering growths to get going. Again more evidence of the benefit of growstones in their culture.
After the unexpected success of adding growstones into the culture of the phrags they have started to flower.
First up is Don Wimber 'remembrance' from the EYOF via Ratcliffes.
Photos were taken in the early evening so there is a rosy glow on the flowers.
No evidence of any polyploidy in this clone but there might be a touch of dallesandroi from the petal shape. Anyway it is growing very well now and the flowers are larger and better coloured than before.
Next is La Hougette ( dallesandroi x Beauport 4n) so this is a triploid plant. This stem has two branches for the first time and is the first of four flowering growths to get going. Again more evidence of the benefit of growstones in their culture.