Ecuagenera is puzzling us again.

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Well-Known Member
Mar 20, 2022
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Senftenberg in Brandenburg, Deutschland
I got it from Ecuagenera as Phragmipedium boisserianum var.
czerwiakowianum. That's definitely not it, the staminodium isn't wide enough for that and the "black beard" doesn't belong there either. Czerwiakowianum is definitely included, as evidenced by the very large synsepalum and the green slipper. I strongly suspect a hybrid Phragmipedium boisserianum 'czerwiakowianum' x longifolium. That would be Phragmipedium Dennis Kleinbach.


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Yeah, def isn't what it's labeled. They're getting really bad now; 1/3-1/2 their plants are mislabeled and they won't do anything about it. They just don't give a damn.
Personally, I do not buy from Ecuagenera any more! Why? Because I got tired of all their "surprises"!! Plants wrapped up tightly in moss, tin foil in a plastic bag, only to find that my purchase had very little, if any, live roots. Wasted way too much cash.
AS their operation got bigger and bigger, you got more and more errors. They are only as good as the people they hire. The solution is simple. Do not buy from Ecuagenera.
And tell them why. If enough people would do that, they might change.
That's basically true and I'm actually a big fan of the free market and usually punish such actions very harshly.

Especially with the very high-priced plants they tend to be junk, an alleged dalessandroi was a common besseae that climbs just like all the others and its flowers look exactly like those of a common besseae. Except that it cost $100, and I also got a fischeri for $70 in a catastrophic condition. Nevertheless, it is almost the only way for me to get Phrags in Germany, at least in this range and at this price. It has already been taken into account that 30% is not what it should be.

In Germany I pay up to 500% more for the same species and then they are only young plants. Ecuganera-Europe, is even worse, higher prices for even worse quality. A dilemma remains.
It is unfortunate there are so few good phrag vendors out there….I too am kind of off on Ecua right now as the plants I have from them had sheaths that haven’t developed. I’m blaming it on the hormones…I do have one from them in flower now but I feel like my other plants from them have needed a lot of recovery time in my care.

One of the other places I’ve purchased from recently seems to have a thrip problem as well so I’m down to one commercial vendor that I’m confident about. It’s depressing. 😔

Focusing on growing my Neofinetia collection instead at the moment.
I advised you about Ecuagenera having mislabeled plants previously, you chose to ignore it. Thrips will be a problem wherever there is moss for them to grow in, I'm fighting against them in some of my collection. I recommend Safer houseplant sticky stakes, Zevo flying insect spray, and going with inorganic media.
I and some other members in our orchid society are familiar with these complaints, and here's one more; Ecuagenera has sold many of us virused orchids. When I bought a maxima division in Nov. '21 it was rootless. I nursed back to health and it bloomed beautifully this spring. But since our society has recently started making an effort to virus test our collections (using Rega Biotests) I and others learned some of our recent purchases were positive. After spending a bit of money and caring for this one I ended up throwing it away.


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I advised you about Ecuagenera having mislabeled plants previously, you chose to ignore it. Thrips will be a problem wherever there is moss for them to grow in, I'm fighting against them in some of my collection. I recommend Safer houseplant sticky stakes, Zevo flying insect spray, and going with inorganic media.
Oh yeah, we were totally warned… But you know when you’re building a collection and most of the vendors are gone, there’s not a whole lot to choose from these days!
Who might that be? 👀

This post is one of several recently that has made me rethink buying from Ecuagenera. I hadn't done it yet but was considering it.
I have never had a problem with Orchids Limited; plants are always well grown and clean. Unfortunately, they’re also the most expensive.

I am also really looking forward to repotting season and purchasing some divisions from you fine growers! I wasn’t quite there last year, but I’m ready and waiting this year!
I have never had a problem with Orchids Limited; plants are always well grown and clean. Unfortunately, they’re also the most expensive.
Good thing they're the ones I've been buying from recently! And I agree with you. I have been very impressed. I also had a great experience emailing Linda at Seagrove Orchids and getting an unlisted phrag division last year, but she is comparably smaller than some of these other places.
I also bought a phrag from EverythingOrchids on Etsy recently and was not unhappy with what I got. Tons of roots, clean except for a small centipede in the old medium when I repotted. Got a Paph fairrieanum from him recently too. Definitely one to check out.
I winder if it would be possible to fils e a class-action suit against Ecuagenera for fraud?
I have never had a problem with Orchids Limited; plants are always well grown and clean. Unfortunately, they’re also the most expensive.

I am also really looking forward to repotting season and purchasing some divisions from you fine growers! I wasn’t quite there last year, but I’m ready and waiting this year!
Waldor is very reputable, fairly priced and will stand behind anything that slips by virused as they endeavor to not ship virused plants. If you ask for $5 Dsve will test it before they ship. Most of my catts have come from them.
It is unfortunate there are so few good phrag vendors out there….I too am kind of off on Ecua right now as the plants I have from them had sheaths that haven’t developed. I’m blaming it on the hormones…I do have one from them in flower now but I feel like my other plants from them have needed a lot of recovery time in my care.

One of the other places I’ve purchased from recently seems to have a thrip problem as well so I’m down to one commercial vendor that I’m confident about. It’s depressing. 😔

Focusing on growing my Neofinetia collection instead at the moment.
I’ve never purchased from Equa. At shows their displays are set up somewhat haphazardly with wilting plants/flowers and their packaged things for sale never look healthy. I’ve attributed it to shipping from distances but not sure. I was in Apopka and didn’t even visit their nursery.
Ja a niektorí ďalší členovia našej orchideovej spoločnosti poznáme tieto sťažnosti a tu je ešte jedna; Ecuagenera predala mnohým z nás virózne orchidey. Keď som kúpil divíziu maxima v novembri '21, bola bez koreňov. Dojčila som zdravie a túto jar krásne rozkvitla. Ale keďže sa naša spoločnosť nedávno začala usilovať o testovanie našich zbierok vírusmi (pomocou Biotestov Rega), ja a ďalší sme sa dozvedeli, že niektoré z našich nedávnych nákupov boli pozitívne. Keď som minul trochu peňazí a staral sa o tento, nakoniec som ho vyhodil.
AI was also sold vine plants in Dresden this year.
I winder if it would be possible to fils e a class-action suit against Ecuagenera for fraud?
Many hobbyists have asked the same question about Ecuagenera and Orchids Limited as well. Ecuagenera plants come in plastic bags and most I have seen have had rot on them. What survives after being in a box in a plastic bag for a week or more is typically mislabeled and won’t grow or bloom. Ecuagenera are big on steroids and the detox takes a year at least and that is if the experience doesn’t weaken your plant to the point it dies. I have some Ecuagenera Phrags and I bought mine in bloom out of their nursery. Many died as expected but several years on I do have a few that are doing well. Orchids Limited is so expensive because they have become little more than resellers of plants they buy from wholesalers. The plants are in good condition when they receive them. They don’t deserve credit for this. They mark them up “unlimited” and you are paying a 400% premium on plants you can buy elsewhere for a lot less, just do your homework. The other issues with this vendor are for another day.
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I got it from Ecuagenera as Phragmipedium boisserianum var.
czerwiakowianum. That's definitely not it, the staminodium isn't wide enough for that and the "black beard" doesn't belong there either. Czerwiakowianum is definitely included, as evidenced by the very large synsepalum and the green slipper. I strongly suspect a hybrid Phragmipedium boisserianum 'czerwiakowianum' x longifolium. That would be Phragmipedium Dennis Kleinbach.
Reticulatum and czerwiakianum are synonyms of boisserianum. Most authors agree. In fact I think all the recent publications agree on this, except commercial vendors who won’t give up the names to keep their sales up. Don’t be deceived by vendors looking to up their sales. Also, Ecuagenera d’alessandroi are all besseae and have been for years. It is odd as I know they have the real thing, I have seen it at their nursery. As Phrag enthusiasts we must be more attentive to the motivations of vendors and what we are buying. Many of these names, fischeri being one of the worst, mean money, increased sales, and a lot of disappointed hobbyists.

As for where to buy Phrags, Woodstream is good, I occasionally sell Phrags (yes I am confident my plants are worth it), and Dave Sorokowski at Paph Paradise sells very good quality and correctly labeled Phrags. The market is shrinking, but you can still find what you are looking for.!
I’ve never purchased from Equa. At shows their displays are set up somewhat haphazardly with wilting plants/flowers and their packaged things for sale never look healthy. I’ve attributed it to shipping from distances but not sure. I was in Apopka and didn’t even visit their nursery.
Ecuagenera Phrags all come from their Nursery in Gualaceo. They transport them, typically, to Guayaquil, a very hot and humid city on Ecuadors coast, in boxes, by the hundreds. They then ship them to Florida (speaking about U.S. sales only) where they wait, sometimes without ever being taken out of the box, and after they go through agriculture inspection, and then get shipped to the location of the show or sale. This typically won't impact a plant wrapped in newspaper or another medium that allows the plants to breathe. I have had plants wrapped in newspaper that got 'lost' or stuck in transit arrive after 10 days or 2 weeks in perfect condition. But those damn plastic bags with wet moss. Inspect the plant very closely before you buy it. If you see brown spots or soft rot, put it back. Look for plants in flower. Be an educated consumer and don't let your emotions at seeing a name on a plastic bag get the better of you. Or, visit their nursery in Gualaceo when the Phrags are in bloom, choose your plants, account for 25% - 35% mortality, and in a year or two you will have a Phrag that makes you a very happy grower.

Yes, their displays are terrible and indicative of the staff they have at these shows who are not orchid people and have little interest in a good display as they are just there for the job. Has anyone ever tried to ask an orchid question to the Ecuagenera staff selling at these shows?

I have to disagree with you Frank regarding Orchids Ltd. Yes they do a fair amount of reselling from contract growers, but what vendor doesn't? They do, however, grow a great amount of what they sell themselves. They have a complete laboratory where they propagate many of the plants they sell. In fact I crossed a coupIe of roths I purchased from the Orchid Zone a few years ago before it went out of business and gave them the seed pods. They took them to their lab to grow them out. The seedlings were just recently transferred to community pots and look fantastic. I live less then 10 minutes from where their nursery is located and have visited it more times then I can count over the last 25 years and have seen their facilities. I have known Jerry and Jason for that long as well and they are honest hard working people. Are they expensive yes they are, but in my opinion you get what you pay for. I have never purchased a diseased or bug infested plant from them ever. Have I lost plants purchased from them? Yes I have, but in every case it was due to growing mistakes on my part.

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