Effect of dripping water

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Dec 16, 2009
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I have a schoserii and few weeks ago I noticed that it is growing like a weed. +2 complete leaves within 4-6 weeks, many strong roots. I looked after the reason: gasoline is running above the plant. Humidity precipitates on the line and slowly, but continuosly fall down onto the plant. First rule of keppeing slippers: never leave the leaves wet...I honestly tell, I didn t see, but this plant was always wet. Pic here:

This time I had an acmodontum just about death, I got it without root and dehydrated. Plant didn t show any sign to establish. I decided to move it to the schoserii s place. Just after 2 weeks it produced many roots even a flower stem. A pic today:

You can see the plant is wet...
Well I suppose they naturally get exposed to pretty constant moisture, so this makes sense, though I am a bit surprised no root rot is evident.
Has anyone tried a hydro system with drip feed for orchids?
Well I suppose they naturally get exposed to pretty constant moisture, so this makes sense, though I am a bit surprised no root rot is evident.
As long as the moist medium does not suffocate the roots, they'll be fine.
Has anyone tried a hydro system with drip feed for orchids?
Watering every day is as close as I have come, and the plants absolutely thrived. I can see no reason a drip system would be an issue, unless the excess is recirculated, as that's the ideal way to share pathogens.

Constant or frequent flushing has significant benefits to all. Orchids.
When I went from watering every three to four days to every two days, I have noticed stronger, greener growths...across the board. I had to chnage the mix from a 50% bark 25 perlite 25 grow cube to 50/50 grow cube /perlite. I would water every day and have a very loose mix but its a bit impractical
Ray, good points.

Ed, how long does it take you to water? Easily 90 minutes with my collection! I could not water every 1-2 days!!
I use the humidifier with 70 to 80% humidity with the phrags being 6 feet away from it for the last three years. Never had to water every day. and the plants look very happy.
I agree, water is not a problem. Limiting oxygen at the roots is a problem.
The dripping water is bringing in a continual feed of dissolved oxygen.