Eumelia Arias

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
Isle of Gigha, Scotland
Just opened over the last 3 days, was surprised at how relatively small it is, given that it is a kovachii cross. The petals are 3" across from tip to tip. But I'm delighted with how she looks! This is from the EYOF via Burnham Nurseries.

Don, I have a labelled EA with at least six growths and it
refuses to bloom...just keeps getting bigger. Phrags. all
around it are either in bloom or bud. Have you any culture
tips to pass along? I'd really like to see a bit more than
pretty leaves. I'd be quite happy if it happened to be a
twin of your bloom.
Don, I have a labelled EA with at least six growths and it
refuses to bloom...just keeps getting bigger. Phrags. all
around it are either in bloom or bud. Have you any culture
tips to pass along? I'd really like to see a bit more than
pretty leaves. I'd be quite happy if it happened to be a
twin of your bloom.

If it has that many growths, then it is busy putting its resources into that. But at some point it will decide to bloom, and you should have a great show.!

I bought those 3 besseae flavum last year, and one of them has only put on growth, with no sign of wanting to bloom, while the other two did bloom. (The 2nd one had something nibble the bud, so that went badly.) It was only the 3rd one that I was able to photograph and post here. But why not give Jerry Fischer a call and ask him for tips? He's always got helpful tips, and is happy to share them. He's at Orchids Limited in Minnesota.
I aquired 2 plants from Peruflora in 2012. They did so so, but grew. Multilead both. In 2014 I split one into several pieces, the other had turned into something massive so I was wondering if it could be EA or something big. No flowers. Then in 2014 I placed them cooler (almost Cold in Winter Nights at least, daytime around 20-25C) and this fall they all flowered. The big one With several flowers on long stalks the split from modest sized plants on thinner leads. So Angela, Guess they need lower temperatures - perhaps?
Hi Bjorn, sounds like very good advice. I've had most of my phrags in the cooler section, and they do seem to bloom in there more readily.

Have more photos to show now, but Photobucket is down for maintenance just now, so will post them later today.
Achamore, when you upload the picture files yoy have a posibility to resize. I normally choose 17inch screen. That seems to fit sizewise