Folks that have been around for a while know of my long "campaign" to get folks to manage their fertilizing regimens through the use of parts-per-million nitrogen (ppm N), and my disdain for meaningless recommendations like "1/4- to 1/2 the recommended amount on the label". The former, when coupled with the frequency of application, allows you to know what you're doing and truly control it. The latter is an undefined shot in the dark, and really offers no control, while pretty much helping the fertilizer manufacturers (who don't know diddley about orchids) to sell more fertilizer!
Manufacturers that cater to professionals routinely publish charts that give the mass of that formula needed for specified ppm N levels. When I sold fertilizers, I had those charts available with the specific product listings, but most producers and vendors of consumer brands either don't do that, or publish misleading info on their labels.
It's actually a pretty simple calculation, but... I just built a Fertilizer Mixing Calculator Using Nitrogen Concentration that will do it for you, no matter what the formula, whether you're mixing it up gallon-by-gallon (or liter-by-liter), or will be making concentrates.
Manufacturers that cater to professionals routinely publish charts that give the mass of that formula needed for specified ppm N levels. When I sold fertilizers, I had those charts available with the specific product listings, but most producers and vendors of consumer brands either don't do that, or publish misleading info on their labels.
It's actually a pretty simple calculation, but... I just built a Fertilizer Mixing Calculator Using Nitrogen Concentration that will do it for you, no matter what the formula, whether you're mixing it up gallon-by-gallon (or liter-by-liter), or will be making concentrates.