First Roth flask

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2019
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I just deflasked my first flask on Thursday (3/25) and it was some roth seedlings I'm very excited about. All the agar was washed off and they were potted up together, with the ones that fell off in a second compot. Mix is fine orchiata, perlite, and charcoal top-dressed with some sphagnum. Ambient humidity is ~70%, and they’re in bags that are partially open for venting, temps are ~21-24C, low light. My plan was to set them and forget them for about 10 years, but I did check on them today (3/28) and noticed some brown spots and leaf tip die-back. I cut off the brown portions and put cinnamon on the cut site, but I was wondering if this is a normal part of the adjustment period, or something I should be more concerned about?
I grow indoors, so I would prefer to not have to spray, although I do have some Physan if absolutely necessary. Thanks for your help!
The browning happens as they are adjusting to the new environment and I would keep an eye to see if the browning continues as it could turn to rot. Cutting it off and treating them with cinnamin is what I did when my roths seedling as well. What is the roth cross? Is it from Orchid Inn?
Thanks for the reassurances! At one week and things seemed to have stabilized, I haven’t cut off any browning in a few days. So far, no losses (fingers crossed). Cross is ‘Paradise City’ x ‘Dark Angel’. The plants came out-of-flask, so it was very easy to rinse them off and pot them up. Almost no leaf or root breakage, all-in-all a very positive experience! Hopefully, I’ll get some nice blooms in a decade or so...55B706B7-F3BF-4685-8320-7D7E6F58CF1A.jpeg
How many seedlings? I think it is going to be a great cross and has a high potential!
There’s about 28, I didn’t get an exact count. I’m very happy! My windowsills will be overflowing once these start to put on some size!
Excellent cross (i purchased some, too). They look good. No more 'cutting'.
I agree they should be excellent, I’m really excited about this line of breeding. Thank you! How are yours doing?
There’s about 28, I didn’t get an exact count. I’m very happy! My windowsills will be overflowing once these start to put on some size!
They are a good size. Survival rate should be much higher with bigger seedlings.

Just be carefully when watering the seedlings. If water if found on the leaf axil and the crown, use a piece of toilet paper to absorb the extra water so it will not form crown rot!
They look good!
Without orchid shows in Europe it is so hard to get a hand on such crosses...
...hope for next year...
UPDATE: It’s been a little over 2 months. No losses yet (fingers crossed)! Not a lot going on vegetatively, but when I was watering them today I did notice some nice new root growth. It’s warming up here as we head into early summer, so I’m hoping to see some explosive growth in the next few months.974F3699-55AB-4250-8382-46E2B1D5702F.jpeg3259E5F3-A08A-4FB4-A267-6710723513B7.jpeg15C11AD2-96BC-4855-85F6-2A6CEC0ADBF1.jpeg

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