I wonder if there is such a thing?
I have found that my Paph.(malipoense x Fanaticum) has soft brown scale.
I have noticed that tiny little red brown specks on the bud last month.
I thought they were dust, but they were moving slowly.
I took a toothpick and carefully removed them. Well, I killed them by squeezing.
Then, I had this bad feeling and checked the underside of the leaves.
Thank goodness the leaf bottoms are very dark on this plant and I could easily see the same little critters.
I would check every morning, and each time I could find a few, both on the bud and the underside of at least one leaf.
I could not see any on the spike itself, so I was wondering how the heck those little things made it up to the bud. They couldn't have jumped.
Then, a few days later ( I don't know why I did this sooner) I checked the plant more aggressively. I pulled each leaf to see what might be hiding in the hidden crevise. Well, good thing I did because I found soft brown scale. Two. I dislodged it with the toothpick and killed it.
I checked the inside of the terminal leaf (?) (the little leaf that sometimes develop along with the spike). Well, there were about three!!!
This was difficult due to the color of the leaf and light coming through.
I had to check again at night under light bulb to see better.
Then I checked the side of the bract that was housing the bud itself.
This was possible because the bud was big enough that there was just enough space that I could check inside.
Well, there were at least four. I could not see if there were more, so I just inserted the toothpick inside the bract and carefully scraped off the entire thing on the inside.
I managed to not to break off the bud, which would have been quite upsetting.
So the scales must have gotten in there months ago when the spike was just emerging and grew into adults inside the bract.
I'm surprised the bud was not killed.
Now, I still check the plant every morning and I still see the crawlers. Not as many. One or two, but they are there.
I am rather puzzled because I can't really spray chemicals on the bud since doing so will blast the bud most likely.
I really want to see the flower to decide whether or not I keep the plant.
I have two of the same, and this one is of smaller plant size and the bud is actually developing fine.
The other one is bigger and the bud looks like a "ghost" to me. It might still develop further but will see.
I have found that my Paph.(malipoense x Fanaticum) has soft brown scale.
I have noticed that tiny little red brown specks on the bud last month.
I thought they were dust, but they were moving slowly.
I took a toothpick and carefully removed them. Well, I killed them by squeezing.
Then, I had this bad feeling and checked the underside of the leaves.
Thank goodness the leaf bottoms are very dark on this plant and I could easily see the same little critters.
I would check every morning, and each time I could find a few, both on the bud and the underside of at least one leaf.
I could not see any on the spike itself, so I was wondering how the heck those little things made it up to the bud. They couldn't have jumped.
Then, a few days later ( I don't know why I did this sooner) I checked the plant more aggressively. I pulled each leaf to see what might be hiding in the hidden crevise. Well, good thing I did because I found soft brown scale. Two. I dislodged it with the toothpick and killed it.
I checked the inside of the terminal leaf (?) (the little leaf that sometimes develop along with the spike). Well, there were about three!!!
This was difficult due to the color of the leaf and light coming through.
I had to check again at night under light bulb to see better.
Then I checked the side of the bract that was housing the bud itself.
This was possible because the bud was big enough that there was just enough space that I could check inside.
Well, there were at least four. I could not see if there were more, so I just inserted the toothpick inside the bract and carefully scraped off the entire thing on the inside.
I managed to not to break off the bud, which would have been quite upsetting.
So the scales must have gotten in there months ago when the spike was just emerging and grew into adults inside the bract.
I'm surprised the bud was not killed.
Now, I still check the plant every morning and I still see the crawlers. Not as many. One or two, but they are there.
I am rather puzzled because I can't really spray chemicals on the bud since doing so will blast the bud most likely.
I really want to see the flower to decide whether or not I keep the plant.
I have two of the same, and this one is of smaller plant size and the bud is actually developing fine.
The other one is bigger and the bud looks like a "ghost" to me. It might still develop further but will see.