Anyone seen Noah lately?
We have had an average of over 1" of rain every day for the entire month of July. Some days we've seen as much as 3"-4". All of my slippers are grown in semi-hydroponic culture out on my deck, so I am reasonably certain they're well flushed at this point.
For others in similar situations, be sure to feed the plants, even if they don't need watering! This warm, wet weather is great for growth, so they're gonna need fuel. I'm also adding Inocucor to that about once a week.
We have had an average of over 1" of rain every day for the entire month of July. Some days we've seen as much as 3"-4". All of my slippers are grown in semi-hydroponic culture out on my deck, so I am reasonably certain they're well flushed at this point.
For others in similar situations, be sure to feed the plants, even if they don't need watering! This warm, wet weather is great for growth, so they're gonna need fuel. I'm also adding Inocucor to that about once a week.