sorry, no photos! one of my coworkers sent me an email about 9:30pm eastern standard time upstate ny, telling me to get outside and the subject line was meteor SHOWER, with that emphasis. I went outside right away but there were some thin clouds and was midnight. I went online and tonight is supposed to be the highlight night of the geminid meteor showers, and possibly some other showers at different times. One website said that the best viewing was right after dark thursday night, and right before dawn friday morning (very soon).
so, if you are where it is dark right now, get outside and look for some meteors! most I saw were heading radiating outward from the gemini constellation, though some were from all over the sky. the largest one was seen through my car windshield as I was approaching the parking area; many were tiny blips very high up. i'm sure there will be more and more often in an hour or so but i'll be asleep!
so, if you are where it is dark right now, get outside and look for some meteors! most I saw were heading radiating outward from the gemini constellation, though some were from all over the sky. the largest one was seen through my car windshield as I was approaching the parking area; many were tiny blips very high up. i'm sure there will be more and more often in an hour or so but i'll be asleep!