Hang in there, the $ 1000 is not completely out of line. Its out of reach for many of us, but you never know, someone might come along and buy it. Or, offer you a trade for something you didn't realize you really wanted until the offer is made. Just looking at Marriot Orchids and Orchids Limited websites and you know you are not the first or only person to benchmark the prices high. So if you don't mind watering it, leave the price where it is, it might sell, or it won't. Either way you win.
If I were you, I would try to test it to see if it will breed. Put roth, delenatii, vietnamense or micranthum pollen on it, or any other species, and see if it forms viable seed. If it produces more than a couple seedlings THEN you might even be able to up the price.
The first division I sold of my chance tetraploid Phrag Andean Fire 'Michelle Lee' AM/AOS, back in 1994 when tetraploid Phrags were few and far between I got enough for it to put a new roof on my house (which I desperately needed at the time) and that was because I had proven to the purchaser that it was a good breeding clone. (yes, they were commercial) I had lots of flasks to point to at the time. Today I still try to get $250 a division for it, but demand is down now, as there are many more recent breeding clones available. I more often than not trade for other plants with it. It all works out.