Greetings from Australia, Melbourne and first question

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Greetings from the land of Oz!!

just want to say hello and ask you my first question: I am trying to find out how Paph Philippinense x druryi flowers look. Your help is highly appreciated

Many thanks and hello again

Sorry I cannot help you with the photo, but I would like to say hello and welcome to the forum!
Welcome from California!

I've seen the gardineri x druryi cross offered on eBay quite a bit lately. They include flower photos. I would imagine that this cross would be similar to yours. Good luck!
Dear all
Many thanks for your greetings. Here is the information I have extracted from other sources:

"No pictures, but here is the description of the one awarded clone of Paph Devayani 'Cee Jay" HCC/AOS (Award in 1986; Originator RJ Rands; Registrant J. Haag 1983):

Eight flowers on two tall inflorescences;

dorsal sepals pale apple green with restrained striping, lacking the distinctive stripe of Paphiopedilum druryi;

petals diffuse pale brown, twisted and ruffled;

pouch pale yellow-green;

staminode tessellated with dark kelly green;

flowers with shape of Paphiopedilum phillippense, borne 4 to a stem.

NS: 4.0 (I question if this # is right)
DS: 3.3 DSL:4.2
PW:0.9 PWL:7.8

Could someone explain me in plain English what last three lines stand for?
NS: 4.0 (I question if this # is right)
DS: 3.3 DSL:4.2
PW:0.9 PWL:7.8

Could someone explain me in plain English what last three lines stand for?
I'll try to finish what Eric started, I think I have it right.
NS = natural spread
DS = dorsal width DSL = dorsal height
PW = Petal width PWL = petal length

The measurements are now in centimeters, in the 80's I'm not sure if that was the case.
Many thanks Goldenrose and Erik
hopefully it will flower in a close future and I will share the pics with you all
cheers and keep enjoying your weekend
it's a mild summer day on my side but it's going to be mid 40oC in a few days

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