Welcome to Slippertalk! Oz and Paris are both far away, romantic places, from Michigan, USA!
What kind of orchids do you grow? If you hang around here much, it won't be long before you have some slippers. We are contagious!
I've just added them to my signature, if it shows…
(I've had issues creating my account -solved by the staff, fast, great!- and I've just seen my signature wasn't showing up, but it may be an error on my side for this one)
Seriously, I grow green things in a flat, and it's not that cold in winter, and my main growing zones are heading north… My main genus are phals, stans, gongoras, and oncidium alliance hybrids. And Vanillas of course.
Do you grow vanilla?...you maniac!
I am, btw, it seems I've been discovered, but I will prevaillll! :evil:
Got 5 for now in fact. But it'll expand.
(and GROW)
Welcome from KY, USA. Aaahhh Paris, where the locals try to run down pedestrians for fun while they're slipping in dog poop. Beautiful city!
I can smell
Sagamore Noonan's tanning juices from here, yes, it does stink that far.
Bonjour du Luxembourg !!!! Bienvenu!!!! Jean
Welcome from NYC. Try Paphs, you will like them.
I will resist, I WILL
(but not to the white spotted ones :drool:
In fact there's one waiting for at a friends, a godefroyae or maybe an hybrid of it. Beware, I have some personal ideas about funny orchid collections to make.