Growing maudiae seedlings from flask

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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2008
Reaction score
Canberra, Australia
I've only been growing Paphs from flasks for the last couple of years so I have a lot to learn. I've noticed that the seedlings of many maudiae Paph hybrids and species (eg viniferum) have a habit of growing upwards. You end up with these really spindly seedlings with a long stem and separated leaves. They almost don't look like Paphs at all. All along the stem (above the potting mix) roots pop out at the leaf axils. In order to prevent the roots dieing off you have to plant the seedlings deeper and deeper burying the lower leaves. Some seedlings seem to be much worse than others.

Is this normal for these Paphs?

i've had similar issues with maudiae types... and i'd also like to find out what people do to 'stop' this from happening.. and how do u deal with it.
You won't stop it happening. This feature can be caused by laboratory practices. ie the way and in what the seeds are grown. Some flasking Labs have it happen more than others. I have experienced it with some crosses from a Lab that doesn't use any modern, hi-tech equipment also. Planting them deeper is ok, it has worked for me in the past just be carefully of dampoff.
You are doing just fine. Just keep planting them deeper and they will settle down to a "normal" growth habit. Some have suggested this is a normal part of this groups growth habit in natural, the plants are just trying to stay ahead of each falls leaf litter accumulation.
Interesting info, as I'm experiencing that now, also. Most of my flasklings are fine, but a few are growing the way you stated. Mine are Paph. fairrieanum. I appreciate this knowledge! :D
You might try adding a bit of bone meal to your mix, and keeping humidity as high as possible (70 to 80%). The bone meal thing Ive done the last couple of flasks of Barbata species (wardii, callosum, etc) and grew well.
Thanks for all the great info - I have a fair few flasks on the way, and would like to try the bone meal thing! Any chance of a rough quantity :eek:?

Will post the flask purchases soon - very very excited about them... :drool::drool::drool:

Thanks for all the great info - I have a fair few flasks on the way, and would like to try the bone meal thing! Any chance of a rough quantity :eek:?

Will post the flask purchases soon - very very excited about them... :drool::drool::drool:


I've been scattering about a 1/2 TSP over a 6"X4" area.

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