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The genus Paphiopedilum is a rather large one so to expect some one here to give you culture directions for each and every species in each and every group is quite an ask.

In more simple terms, the mottled leaf types require more water, less light and cooler temperatures. The bigger strap leafed Paphiopedilums like rothschildianum like more light, a bit less water and can take temperatures a bit warmer. But then you get many species that are in between those two.

I grow mine under lights, others members are growing in a room or a greenhouse.

I might suggest a good basic book about Paphiopedilums and learn as you go. Start out with a few mottled leaf types like Paphiopedilum callosum, Paph. Maudiae, Paph. Macabre and go from there. Start out slowly with just a few then add a few as you have some success with the first few that you have acquired.
