I went to bed at 10:30 last night, painfully sober and with no sense of celebration whatsoever.
It's been 65 degrees F, then 30, then 50, and 10, snowy, rainy, windy, icy, humid, dry--what that adds up to for me is a wicked sinus infection, throat infection and a fever. Today, I'm hanging out with Claritin, Ibuprofen and propped up at my drawing board, with the Looney Tunes marathon on as comforting background, seeing if I can't wreck the piece I've been working on since last Friday so I can be even more angry. I hate, hate, hate being sick and doing nothing. It also sucks because nothing sounds good to eat. Who the hell wants to have soup for dinner on New Year's Day? I should be seated in front of my Christmas present (a Wii), playing one of the many, pleasantly addictive and inane sports games and pounding honey, whiskey and lemon shots for my throat and to maintain proper liver and brain function.
Heather, you're such a cheerleader. Wait till it's an iWorld--the way you guys carry on, you'd think it was! It's growing, but the market share is still not worth hackers' time to target you really.
Happy New Year, everyone--health, happiness and prosperity for all in 2009. (I can wish at least.)