Hello from New Mexico

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:) Hello, I am new to this and just wanted to get my feet wet and ask a question. Does anybody know what crypt moss is and where I can find some.
I would like to experiment with it and want to thank you all in advance.

Grow More Paphs,
Welcome Paphinator:)

I googled and found a reference to "crypt moss" on Dr Tanaka's website. He was recommending it for the culture of parvis and brachys.

Actually he calls it "bark or crypto moss". Since it wasn't well identified I think you are going to have to go to Japan to get some.:poke::poke:

If your main purpose for finding this material is for the culture of parvis or brachys, I'm pretty sure we could fix you up with some good alternatives.:wink::wink:

There have been many threads started on the culture of parvis on this site, so using the search function would be a good start.

Where in NM are you?
Welcome from Chicago. Don't know that moss. Take it easy on yourself- use what works AND what you can get your hands on.

After more googling I found out that it's not really moss at all, but shredded bark of Japanese cedar, Cryptomeria japonica.

Looks like it's been patented as a growing media. Some articles for growing strawberries in it in Japan.

Looks allot like shredded cypress bark.
Isn't that interesting?! Never heard of it! It is baffling as to why they call it a moss?
Thank You

I want to thank everyone for responding and for a warm welcome. My search for the mysterious moss continues and so far more clues have presented themselves. I am outside Albuquerque at the base of the Sandia Mountains and wish you all a wonderful day. Good Bye.

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