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Nov 22, 2022
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Hello everyone. I have come to this site several times over the past few years, but as I have struggled with my neglected collection for many years I never bothered to join. I started collecting in the mid 1990's with an AOS membership gift from my sister. In those days membership came with a subscription to Orchids magazine. With that picture candy along with visiting several orchid shows between Niagara and Toronto, the addiction began. Like many, the acquisition phase outpaced my ability to care for a very diverse collection.
I have recently reduced my hours at work, and the plan is to take another run at trying to culture what is left of my collection. I love all orchids, but have decided to stick with what I have killed the least .. these Paphs, Phals, and Phrags. As I struggle figuring out light levels in my grow room, I will try to attach a pic of my Paph. gratrixianum. The collection never made it outside this year, so the gratrixianum was the only one satisfied with the indoor conditions this summer. The second image shows bud on another of the five pieces (plant fell apart a couple years ago) Sadly, some of the seedlings in the background are the remains of plants that are twenty years old. All have stories of different types of neglect, yet all are hoping for yet another beginning. We shall see ....

P gratrixianum 2022-11-27 at 20.21.41 cropped.jpgP gratrixianum  Image 2022-11-27 at 20.21.55 a cropped.jpg
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Hello Julius and a warm welcome to ST from Germany. Good luck with your collection and may all your intentions come true.
Wow what a story of love and neglect.. we are all guilty of it. But as you find your way back, we here at OA (Orchids Anonymous) will enable you the best we can! Welcome back to the dark side of happiness!
Thank you Dr., you are most kind. One of my favourite parts of attending orchid shows, has always been hearing how different and similar all of our journeys in orchid care have been. It is something I look forward to again.

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