Hello From San jose, CA

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Active Member
Apr 8, 2009
Reaction score
San Jose, California
Hello All,

I just joined this forum and I would like introduce myself:
My name is Ed. I live in central California (San Jose). I have been growing orchids for about 25 years. I have a small greenhouse that I built myself where I grow mostly paph and phrag species and some primary hybrids along with a collection of other species. Outside I grow Cyms, Dens, Mexican Laelias, lycastes, zygos and a bunch of others that will tolerate our winter temperatures (goes down to the mid 20s F (-4 C) in winter.)
I do some hybridizing and germinate and grow my own seeds.
I am looking forward to participating in this forum.

Welcome to the forum, you will love it here. I think you grow a lot of stuff similar to where I live - although the minimums here are a bit higher than that.

It will be great to see your flowers and listen to any advice you can give. This is an awesome forum to spend time in.
:clap: :clap: WELCOME ED! Glad you introduced yourself & joined us!
I'm looking forward to seeing pics, what a nice variety you have! :clap:
Welcome Ed! I live in Nebraska now, but I use to live in San Francisco. Believe me when I say, "I ((TRUELY)) miss the temps out there." Glad to have you as a member here.


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