Help with identifying cause of black/brown spots on Phrag

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Jun 21, 2024
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Hello just wanted to thank everyone for all the good information on this forum. Usually just lurk but wanted everyone’s thoughts on this. I received 2 Phrags in the mail 2 days ago and woke up this morning to see brown/black spots on many of the leaves. One had a few black spots when I got it but both have developed additional spots/discoloration. Both plants were in good shape when I got them, though it has been hot here ~90f so not sure if the heat impacted them during shipping. They have been inside at 70-74f since I got them. Should I be worried about this or doing anything to fix it?

Here are some photos of plant 1
Here is plant 2:


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It is quite an ordeal for plants to be wrapped up and shipped. This has happened to me on many an occasion. I even have lost leaves on the oldest growths here and there. I always credit it to the rigors of being wrapped up in a box.
I see you are in Georgia. To ship things to you during the very warm weather is somewhat troublesome. This is why I do not order anything when it is too hot here in Michigan or too cold during the winter. I guess I assume that the worse can happen. What if a package with an orchid inside sits for 6-8 hours in the hot sun? Completely accidental but no one can safeguard against that.
For me in the winter, there are stretches where it is below freezing for several days. I do not order anything perishable! Anything. Heat packs are no help really. I have unpacked orchids, with heat packs. They were sultry in the boxes. The packing was so good I lost a Phrag. this past year due the box warming up with the heat pack, condensation formed and a new lead rotted. The rot spread internally and it died. It was not replaceable from that vendor. Of course they returned my money but the plant was lost.

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