How Would You Rate Growth Rate on Haynaldianum?

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Aug 14, 2014
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I have been raising a small seedling for about one year, and I'm getting a bit impatient.

It grew one small leaf for me and now it is finally pushing another leaf that is much larger than any of the previous leaf.

I'm about to just buy a blooming sized plant as I see that they are not that expensive at all.
The one I had grew a new leaf about every 4 to 6 months, my opinion, buy a blooming size plant, I saw tanh was advertising these a while ago, he still might have one or two
He now has Toni Semple and lowii. Toni Semple might be the same deal but with larger plant.

I might just get a bs sized plant. not sure. I should downsize. lol
Adding to and downsizing is contradictory lol.. sell the seedling and replace it with a blooming size plant or sell me your pink sky paph, the latest you posted and you will have room for a blooming size haynaldianum :) lowii gets to be big!!!
On a small baby, I would expect at least 3cm/month on the active leaf, maybe 4-5 in the heat of summer. Twice that once it gets near blooming size.
In my experience,

Relatively fast: kolo, roths, philippinense, dianthum
Moderate: sandie, gigantifolium, supardii, wilhelminiae, lowii, platyphyllum
Slow: anitum, adductum, haynaldianum, stonei, glanduliferum/praestans, parishii
very slow: intaniae, randsii