How's the weather?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Victoria Australia
What is the weather like where you are? US west coast, US east coast, Europe, Asia.
We came out of a 7 year drought 2 years ago and it hasn't stopped raining since! It's supposed to be spring and we have been getting about 2 days of sunshine per week. They say its '' La Ninia '' during which the west coast of Sth America (Peru) is dry and the east coast of Australia is wet.
Just wondering if anyone is experiencing stange weather lately.
What is "strange" weather these days? Its all strange! Lets in my neighborhood, in the past 14 months, we've had a tornado/microburst that probably caused more damage than any before in NYC....a 2' snowstorm that paralyzed the city for a few days, followed by lots more snow, a record heat wave earlier in the summer than usual, a hurricane in late August, heavy, flooding rains repeatedly through late Sept. and October, a late October snowfall that caused 2 week long black-outs in some parts of the area. (And an earthquake, but that doesn't count because its not related to climate.) Oh....I forgot. In my country, climate change is a) not real, or if real, not human induced, so there's nothing we can do about it. or b) probably human induced, but it would damage the economy and job prospects to do anything about it, so may as well say its not human induced.
Seems normal on the central coast of California. But it always does.

Today a friend in Iquitos Peru said the Amazon River is rising earlier than normal.
Another friend in Moyobamba Peru said it is raining a lot more and earlier than normal. (He also said that proves the earths climate has cooled?)
Warmer than usual here. Temps are double what they should be. Should be back to seasonal next week. Nothing really going on now and I hope it stays that way. I don't want a tough winter. Life is tough enough already!
It's great here....I'm even golfing tomorrow. :clap::clap::clap: Hopefully this above normal temp weather sticks around for a bit....I detest winter.
In Luxembourg, a lot too mild for the season!!!! No snow, no rain either, but foggy since more than 2 weeks now :eek:! I can't remember what the sun looks like :) !!! Jean
It's been cloudy for about 3-4 days now...!!! Lot's of humidity, but cold too...about 5-10oC throughout the day... it was quite sunny before....reminded me of spring.. :D

(I think that spring and autumn are reversed seasons...hehe :D)
Had bees and dragonflies yesterday.
Couple of live bees in the pitcher plants.

We are labeled Zone 7. Most of the time it is true.
This is what it looks like here from 4PM to 7AM. :)

Soooooo much rain! Its been quite mild here (8-15 degrees celcius) which is unusual. I hate the cold, but I almost prefer it and snow to all this RAIN!
As with Shiva is dark quite early in the evening :(
Well we had 2 hurricanes here Irene & Lee, 3 months ago. Than a snow storm a few weeks ago, now it is basically in the 50's & some rain.. About 10++ degrees warmer than usual.
the rain just arrived here, and the temps are actually going up! (night)
fall/winter this time of year can bring any type of weather. I can remember in recent times, decembers with 20 below zero fahrenheit for a few weeks, and a few years later temps in the 60's for most of the month. as usual for weather year 'round, in upstate ny anything goes!

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