ice and power outages around michigan

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Jan 22, 2008
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elmer, nj
heard that there were bad ice storms very recently in michigan area and lots of power outages; hope forum members around that area are okay

pretty windy here tonight, hope blizzard doesn't set in or anything like that
Thanks for your concern. There were spotty outages in Michigan. Luckily, for me, our power went out for only a second -- just long enough to shut down my computer plus make me re-set all the clocks in the house. I don't know how the other members in Michigan fared.
It's not here quite yet, actually had a high of 18 today, tonight is another story .... we can hardly wait ....... -13F!
It will be -20 here overnight......enjoy yours while you can Candace, you'll pay kitty!!! (he said w/a sneering laugh)
I heard on the news tonight that most of the country is below normal, even frigid temperatures, from Montana to Texas and all the way to the East Coast. Coldest winter in 8 years.

Where's global warming when you need it???
Good god people, MOVE! :poke:

I lucked out...I'm in Ft. Lauderdale. It's kinda chilly in the low 70's high 60's at night....brrrrr. :evil:
Unusual or not, I think that besides phenomena like "the El Nino effect", GLobal warming due to by-products of Industrialisation will appear as changes and durations of extreme weather conditions. These will effect sea level, drought, and eventually crop production. The latter will force socio-economic changes, similar to those already manifesting as mass migrations from African countries. These conditions will also provide a breeding ground for political discontent and movements such as Islamic Fundamental extremism. Moves must be made soon to try to slow down the effects of Global Warming; or else!
I love the morons that say global warming doesn't exist and this is the natural cycle.

I prefer to call it Global Climate Change. While the temperatures where I live arn't much different, the climate has changed in my lifetime.

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