International Slipper Symposium paphs. purchased

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Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Albany, N.Y. USA
First let me show you my Paph Harold Koopowitz. This one has just gone out of bloom. In mid Sept. I brought this in bud from N.Y. to S. Carolina. While there it opened and then I brought in back to N.Y. This is a first bloom, on a 3 growth plant. It is made from rothschildianum 'In Charm' x malipoense 'Fragrance'. I however could not find any smell to it.


From Sam at Orchid Inn I pre-ordered 2 single growth micranthium, and 3 seedlings of bellatulum x sib ("Jumbo' x 'Red on Red') From his table I also grabbed a Paph Magic Lantern 'Pink Blush' x Xfanaticum 'Fantastic', as well as a Paph. rothschildianum x sib ('Sam's Choice' x 'Eureka' AM/AOS). Then he threw in a roth. x seedling.

As a gift for showing up to the event, I picked a small Paph. spicerianum seedling.

Then Thangh of Springwater Orchids gave me 3 seedling, one of which as Ma Bell (malipoense x bellatulum). He gave me these, because he wasn't sure but he thought that possible 3 seedlings he sold me 6 months ago MAY turn out to be mislabeled.

From Hills's Raingreen Tropicals, I bought the 7 growth 24" leaf span plant for a only $50. Remember this baby had 2 spikes and a sheath.


I also won a 3 growth micranthium at the raffle for $8.

From Jason at Orchid Limited I bought all mature plants in bud or bloom. I snaged at Paph Greenteaicecreamandrasberries (Constant Love x malipoense 'Green Light'. I also got a single growth bellatulum ('Dalmation' x Dr. Spot') in bud. As well as a concolor (Tree Branch' x 'Fourth of July'). I also bought a Paph Quirene-Pauline (Sierra Bell x micranthium 'Goliath'). He had two in bloom and I took the darker of the two.


And last but not least, I also purchased from Orchid Limited was this beautiful 3 growth Paph. Estella (fairrieanum x godefoyea leucochilum 'Cabaernet Splash'. This was my most expensive purchase at $90. He also had single growths in plant of Paph. Estella at I believe $50. I took this one due to its shape and color. I figured, I knew what I had instead of what I might get.


All of these flew back in my hard sided suitcase to N.Y from Fla.. To my surprise they all made the trip in fine condition.

Hope you like the photos. All of them are compliments of my wife, Donna.
I am writhing in jealousy. That Harold Koopowitz is to die for.
Bob in Albany said:
I was being greedy and hoping for two flowers on each of the two spikes. That would have been quite a site.

I really like the form of the Paph. Harold Koopowitz and I like the way it holds itself. When the plant gets a bit larger, you will come to be disappointed if it only has two flowers on each inflorescence :) I'm curious how this plant came to be so well-traveled. Did you just take it with you to SC to make sure you got to see it bloom?

The one that really knocks my socks off is the Paph. Estella. The form along with the intense color and clarity of the markings really make for a spectacular flower. That pattern in the dorsal is mesmerizing! I would never have been able to pass this one by. How long is the stem on this one?

Now.... where did those socks go...
Mycorrhizae said:
The one that really knocks my socks off is the Paph. Estella. The form along with the intense color and clarity of the markings really make for a spectacular flower. That pattern in the dorsal is mesmerizing! I would never have been able to pass this one by. How long is the stem on this one?

Now.... where did those socks go...

Agreed! The Estella is fantastic!
Protocorm, We go to S. Carolina to Myrtle Beach twice a year. Once in the spring and once in mid Sept. We rent a condo there. I usually bring a few plant in bloom down with us in the back seat of the car. This is when I have time to really enjoy them. Harold Koopowitz is a first time bloomer and I wanted to enjoy it.

The Estella has about a five or 6 inch stem. I know that Jason at Orchids Limited still has some of these left. I almost bought the other two that he had at the symposium, but one only has so much money :)
Tadd, you must get Estella if you are a true fairrieanum fan. It is always on the ball with great color and shape. I haven't seen a bad one yet, no joke! The one Bob got had slightly wider petals than most I've seen. I'm sure it can qualify for AOS judging as we had a smaller flower get an AM/AOS.

OK I'm done tempting you :p.

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