Just back from the 9th International Slipper Sym

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Albany, N.Y. USA
Had a great time. Flew in on Friday, went to Tropic 1 in the afternoon. Picked up two vandas there. Then, all day on Sat. was the Symposium. It turned out to be a small and friendly group. I got to meet Rob from the forum. Also meet and had supper with Jason Fischer one of the supporters here.

There were some VERY nice vendors on hand. Let me see if I can name them by going around the room in my mind. In the back was someone I had done business with for years and never meet, and that would be Thanh, of Spring Water Orchids. Then came, H.P. Norton of Orchidview. Then came Orchids Limited, maned by Jason. Most if not all of his paphs. were in flower or bud. I snagged 5 or so from him. Then Hill's Raingreen Tropicals, and let me tell you, she had some great full size plants at very reasonable prices. I don't know if she ships or not but its something to look into. From her I bought this hugh complex x sequential bloomer that had 7 or 8 growths with one flower spike with the first flower open. It also had a second spike just starting to form buds, as well as a third growth in low bud. The top of the flower was about 23" from the table it was sitting on. Can you believe it, I got that baby home all in one piece.

On the other side of the room was Orchid Babies. They had a few paphs but many phrags, including lots of compots. Next to them came Sam from Orchid Inn. I had a pre-order from him and then took two of his seedling that he brought. He had all seedlings and quite a few flasks. And last but not least was Wood Stream Orchids with all there nice complex paphs.

A small but wonderful event. Lots of top notch people in attendance. They had a raffle as a fund raiser. You got to pick which plant you wanted to put your tickets into. I threw all of mine into the bowl for the 3 growth micranthium. Which by the way, I won. The other fund raiser was an action in the evening. Many people had generously donated plants, some of which were divisions of awarded plants. All of the vendors also were very generous. I bid on a few plants, all of which were donated by Orchids Limited. I however didn't win a single won. That's O.K. as my suitcase was so full of plants that I had not a stitch of cloths in there. I had brought a small tote suitcase as a back-up for my cloths. By the way, all the plants that I bid on and lost were won by Rob.

Next year, I'd like to go again and hope you'll consider it too.

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