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Labels and Markers

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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I've been searching for years for decent labels on which I can write the plant name in marker or pencil. The problem is that names written with markers tend to fade in the sunlight over time and pencil doesn't adhere too well to the plastic labels. And if the labels get dirty, the pencil can be difficult to read. And if I have to scrub the label to clean it, often times the pencil is also removed. It got me thinking that I should ask the forum members for help. Does anyone have a solution that works for them? What type of label do you use? And what type of marker or pencil? Where do you get them?

Thanks in advance for any and all help!

Best Regards,
I had the same problem, as most of us do. The best solution is a Brother P-Touch label maker. The labels adhere well to plain plastic & seem to be UV resistant.

We use a laser printer and Avery weatherproof "paper" labels. I think the labels are vinyl. We use 1/2 sheet labels (two 8.5" x 5.5" labels per 8.5'x11" page) and trim down to size with a paper trimmer. Lasts a long time and looks very nice.
Have used tape label makers with success per Rose's tip above (they work great), but have much more flexibility with our current system- infinitely customizable only as limited by your tag size and your eyesight. It does take some time investment though. Setting up Word templates, mail merging from a database or spreadsheet, trimming to size, applying to tags... takes time. If I didn't like the outcome, I wouldn't invest the time.

Thanks for the replies, everyone! I don't have a laser printer at home so that solution is out for me, but it does sound nice. Ernie, the plants that I purchased from you do have very nice labels. I think I'll purchase a Brother Label Maker as suggested and see how that works for me. And I like the use of mini-blinds, too. Thanks again! :)
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You can "transfer" onto the labels by photocopying or taking the file to a copy shop to print directly on the labels. Probably a pain in the butt, but just a suggestion.

I too use the vinyl window blinds for markers. Cheap, cut any size desired, holds marker writing well, and ...did I mention cheap?
One good idea would be for one of the suppliers to invest in a thermo-transfer printer, and the professional plant tags, the offer to print the tags from an excel file for a fee...

I have been screwed up like hell with the pencil, as apparently a brand of Terraclor containing Xylene, but not only, wiped out quick and fast the pencil. I do not trust markets either, they fade away. Apart from the thermotransfer that are apprently far more stable, there were in the ancient times paper tags that were sealed in a glass vial. I have a few of those antics, they looked really nice sometimes...

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