I am scheming for another light this winter, and I want it to be high enough that I can put some of my bigger plants (Phrag Chuck Acker for instance, or my compact but still tall-blooming paph philippinense) under it while in sheath. I suppose the easiest thing would be to hang chains and thus I could adjust the light as needed for the time required during flowering. But about how high should it be? Or, how strong of a light will that require, being adequate while leaving space for flowers? My current light was a surprise from my husband for last Christmas, and things need to be about 3 inches away from it to have adequate light levels. It's a bit laughable, but works out in my tighter kitchen space with shelving and mostly small plants. The other light I am planning for obviously needs to be better than that!
I wonder if I spelled inflorescence right.

I wonder if I spelled inflorescence right.