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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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Ok, so here is the situation.  I have a great looking quickly growing spike on a paph philippinense.  I give it about a 60% chance that two other growths are throwing up spikes as well but they're a little too low right now to be able to tell for sure.

Here is a quick phone picture I took today while watering that shows the current spike:

So obviously, I am quite pleased.  But I am curious on people's opinions on how to make sure to get both the best looking and longest lasting flowers.  I am curious in general but would also appreciate advice relating to this plant specifically.

This plant sits closest to a SW facing window.  This time of year it gets pretty much direct light for a decent portion of the day with the sun so low.  But the window has double panes and has a screen on it so it is filtered a little.  To me, this plant has been very happy where it is as in the two years that I have had it, it has produced 6 new growths off of the original blooming growth and two small new growths that it had when I acquired it.

But I am a little concerned that if I leave it where it is, the flowers might not be at their best.  Since, I am a windowsill grower, I have trouble keeping humidity much above 65% but I am able to generally keep it north of 60%.  Would it possibly be best to move the plant back a little bit so the flowers don't get quite as warm as they will on a sunny day if I leave it where it is?  Or should I just say that obviously it is happy where it is and leave it in its very bright location?
