Hi All,
I thought I'd share my current experiment. It's a miniature flow bench that I made a long time ago to hold some Phrags. I resurrected it this spring and turned it into a tiny fountain in the hopes that it would attract hummingbirds. No luck so far in that regard, but I realized I could throw some Phrags in and see what happens.
It's the lid from a storage tub flipped upside down and sitting on a smaller tub that acts as the reservoir. A small pond pump cycles the water out of small jets in the black tubing on the left. There's a drain tube (hidden) that keeps the water level steady at a bit less than an inch. There are 9 Phrag Rosy Charm in there that I needed to move since my indoor growing space is restricted. 4 of them are in my CHC/perlite/charcoal mix and 5 are in diatomite. I filled it with R/O water and will continue doing so if it ever stops raining around here. It gets direct sun until about 10 AM and is then in bright shade for the rest of the day. If that proves to be too much for the Phrags (if the sun ever comes back out) I'll find it a spot with no direct sun.
If it works I don't know what I'll do with it when winter comes. Maybe bring it inside and place it in a south-facing window.
I thought I'd share my current experiment. It's a miniature flow bench that I made a long time ago to hold some Phrags. I resurrected it this spring and turned it into a tiny fountain in the hopes that it would attract hummingbirds. No luck so far in that regard, but I realized I could throw some Phrags in and see what happens.
It's the lid from a storage tub flipped upside down and sitting on a smaller tub that acts as the reservoir. A small pond pump cycles the water out of small jets in the black tubing on the left. There's a drain tube (hidden) that keeps the water level steady at a bit less than an inch. There are 9 Phrag Rosy Charm in there that I needed to move since my indoor growing space is restricted. 4 of them are in my CHC/perlite/charcoal mix and 5 are in diatomite. I filled it with R/O water and will continue doing so if it ever stops raining around here. It gets direct sun until about 10 AM and is then in bright shade for the rest of the day. If that proves to be too much for the Phrags (if the sun ever comes back out) I'll find it a spot with no direct sun.
If it works I don't know what I'll do with it when winter comes. Maybe bring it inside and place it in a south-facing window.