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My plants and I made it to TX! :clap: Only one complete loss (it was a division that fell off w/o roots though) and one blasted bud, but that one has 3 other growths busting out of the base as well, so I shouldn't have to wait long to see that one bloom again! I have 4 times more growing space with my new light stand now...who wants to guess where my next paycheck...s...are going after I've recovered from the cost of moving?:rollhappy:I may just have to update my wanted list!

PS: It is HUMID outside, but b/c of the A/C I still need to run my humidifier here almost as much as ND so far! My Homedepot/Lowe's/Target Phal.s have gone crazy (roots and leaves have grown over an inch) outside in the shade, heat and humidity on my balcony in only a week though!

~Miss Paph
