my apologies

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Chicago Chad

Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
Reaction score

My apologies to the group for being away for a few months.

I am still growing species, mostly albums, and thanks to Tom Kalina, I picked up a few goodies on my last trip to Chicago. Unfortunately, the day I came home I lost my job of 4 years. It was a brutal departure. I was a bit shell shocked and as a result, many things have been on the back burner. I even have had to part with a few really nice species to make ends meet. So thank you to all who have supported me over the past months with any purchases you have made through the Orchid Species Journal sales page on FB.

Short of it. I landed a great job, plan on moving to a larger place and expanding the collection and it's great to be back!
Thanks Tom. Lots has happened. Lots of drama I would prefer not to publicize, but the only thing that matters is that I am sitting better than I was and the damn plants are still blooming.

By the way, that besseae "Green Gold' is really moving along quickly!
Thanks for letting me know Linus. If you loose any, let me know and I'll chop you off a new piece.
Chad, sorry to hear you had to go through all of that, but I'm happy to see that you're still around. I look forward to many more nice posts from you.
Welcome back Chad. Congratulations on turning Lemons into Lemonade! It's good to hear you're doing better now than before and you're able to get back to your plants and really enjoy them. I understand what it's like to have to sell special plants to "make ends meet". I use the term, "keeping the wolf from the door"; but, it's the same thing. Hopefully, sunny days are ahead for a good, long time now. Best of luck!