My Encyclias grow better slightly raised over the potting material

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Ricardo Boricua

Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2023
Reaction score
Puerto Rico
My experience with Encyclias is that they grow better is potted so that the base of the oldest pseudobulb, the one that will produce the new growth is slightly higher than the level of the potting material. I have used bark, stones, and empty terracota pots, all seem to work as long as the media is coarse and drains well. Here is an Encyclia Renate Schmidt (Orchid Jungle x alata) producing new roots, note that in this plant the new pseudobulbs are produced a bit higher than the old ones so the plant keeps raising itself over the potting media. IMG_9661 (2).JPG
Sympodial plants seem to fall into a variety of growth categories. Some spread laterally and are often found on tree branches growing horizontally. Others are "climbers" and are seen growing vertically on the tree trunk or up a steep incline. Hybrids may-or may not carry on those traits.
Encyclias in the wild primarily grow on the top side of tree branches that are horizontal or near horizontal to the ground and grow in the direction that keeps them on that plane. So it makes perfect sense that they would grow "on top" of the media. They don't want or need the media. That is just a convenience for us. The media holds moisture so we don't have to water as often and the pot makes it easier to keep the plant "contained" so we can move it around. They really just want to be horizontally mounted.

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