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Figured I'd start a thread where I can post updates about my small but growing collection. I grow all my plants under 4' T8 fluorescent fixtures, 4 bulbs per shelf about 7" away from the plants and so far it's working great. The shelf I grow on is enclosed in opaque drop cloth plastic on the sides and back with a clear shower curtain as the front panel (I do this in an attempt to control household humidity, mold is not fun) which has worked well to keep humidity above 60% around the plants. I will get some pictures of the grow 'tent' once I get all the wires into some semblance of order, it's a mess right now! Below is a list of my current collection, I'm sure it will grow quickly.

-Collection List-

Paph. adductum (seedlings)

Paph. Bel Royal 'Chris Swanson' HCC/AOS

Paph. delenatii

Paph. glanduliferum var. praestans('Yellow Tiger' x 'Sam's Choice')

Paph. haynaldianum album (from SlipperFan)

Paph. kolopakingii var. topperi ('Jeanie's Green Giant' x Jamboree' HCC/AOS)

Paph. kolopakingii fma. katharinae (album)('Albino Beauty' AM/AOS x 'Green Delight' HCC/AOS)

Paph. parishii ('Red Long Twister' x 'Jeanie' AM/AOS)

Paph. philippinense ('Alford' AM/AOS x 'Super Twister')

Paph. rothschildianum ('Golden Boy' AM/AOS x 'Giant Wings' GM/WOC)

Paph. rothschildianum (‘Chocolate Mint’ x ‘Atticus’ AM/AOS B/WOC)

Paph. stonei ('New Dimension' x 'The Best')

Paph. stonei (Cindy Hill x Fogarty's)

Paph. wilhelminiae ' Bear' SM/TPS x wilhelminiae ' wil-2' BM/TOGA

Phrag. caudatum ('Green Repunzel’ x ‘Perfection’)

Phrag. kovachii ('Laura' x 'Ana')

Phrag. lindenii 'New World' x self

Phrag. longifolium 'Fernbrook' AM/AOS

Phrag. Memoria Garren Weaver

Phrag. Nitidissimum 'Neville' FCC/AOS

Phrag. wallisii

Pretty small compared to some of the collections I've seen on here but it's a start! I'll update this thread as I acquire new plants or change my growspace. Thanks for looking!
