My solution to rooting climbing phrags growths

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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
North East Tennessee, Z6 , Sunroom, flourecent lig
Many of you may do this ??? In the past I tried sleeving medium around the growth in various ways but the medium always dried out too fast.
I have tried this with several phrags and it always works ! I have had several grow many ,many roots before I potted them up !

Once the roots are visible and several inches long , I clip the growth from the main plant and put it in it's on pot ! I was amazed to see this one taking off through the moss after only two days on it's own !

I have got one phrag hybrid that has done this and I have use the same media as you, but instead of a plastic bag in have used a plastic pot.
I chopped the bottom off to the right height and cut the side to make a sleeve sorts hoping it will work.
I have got one phrag hybrid that has done this and I have use the same media as you, but instead of a plastic bag in have used a plastic pot.
I chopped the bottom off to the right height and cut the side to make a sleeve sorts hoping it will work.

I keep the moss pretty wet. Barely slits to let water drain. Bags are cheaper than pots and can be manipulated around the growth easy. I use rubber bands, twist ties to hold bag to growth.
Cool in grow in rock wool and keep them sitting in water know, in have an never ending suppiler of pots with running a plant nursery. I haven't check to see if mine has rooted out yet.