Need advice for phals and fertilizing

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Jun 17, 2024
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I know that this question is discussed many, many times. I’m a bonsai grower and in bonsai forums the topic for fertiliser, quantities etc, was annoying:)
Recently I read a book ( Kew garden ) for orchids. There was pointed that paphs are watering from above and phals immersed for 15- 20 min in water. So, afterwards how is the right way to fertilise at fortnightly manner.? I mean dip the orchid for 5 or 10 min in fertiliser? I’m afraid not burning the roots. The media is bark with pumice/kanuma 50:50.
I would not water either way.
The danger of soaking plants in a bucket, or immersed in a bucket, is that diseases can be spread from one plant to another that way.
Watering from overhead during the wrong time of day can cause moisture to sit in the new growths possibly leading to rot.
The best way to water orchids, if you only have a few, is to take them to the shower or kitchen sink. Water them well by watering the top of the media. Let it really pour out of the drainage holes. Let it sit for a few minutes and then returned to the growing area.

I fertilize immediately after watering while the roots have absorbed water and they would be receptive to the fertilizer and absorb that too.
Thanks a lot! I appreciate your help.
I was doing in the same way but the book was issued from Kew Gardens, Uk and w was wondering about if I’m some major mistake. Thank you for your support.
You are very welcome.
If you can get to the AOS American Orchid Society web site, at the top of the page, it mentions orchid care I think it now says. They are recently updating the page. But regardless, there are some "Culture Sheets" that are available as downloadable and printable pdf files. Print the ones that are about your orchids. That is some good basic advice!

Another good thing that you already did is to join a good web site like Slippertalk. 👍
Loads of good people there with all different levels of experience and interest.

Feel free to message me with a question anytime.
After 50+ years of growing and experimenting, I have simplified by feeding regimen to feeding once a week via top-down flooding, with a 75-125 ppm N solution. (In winter, indoors, I feed every two weeks at double that concentration.)

Divide 9.2 by the %N in your fertilizer. The result is the ml/L for 100 ppm N, so there is room to round and still stay in the range.
Thank you, I’ll try it. Appreciate the help for newbie.
I have to adapt to different logic :
With mine bonsais is easy - double strength each week and water troughly every day, of course they are all in inorganic media, even azaleas don’t mind, the water tap or hard doesn’t matters. The fertiliser is the cheaper one balanced wirh traced elements. No issues or small ones with diseases.
The orchid growing culture is quite different.
I've always watered and fertilized by overhead watering. The only requirement is to make sure the foliage is dry before lights out.
It's my opinion plants benefit from an overhead water "bath". Wash off the grime just like you would do for solar panels.

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