New Paph grower, interested in complex crosses

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Shawn Lyons

Jan 21, 2020
Reaction score
Hi all,

I'm a carnivorous plant hobbyist (mainly Nepenthes) and I am interested in branching out into Paphs. Got my first paph (P. armeniacum) a week ago- not a great beginner plant, but I am fortunate enough to live in a climate with cool, mostly frost free winters, so it is wintering outdoors in a sheltered spot to induce blooming.

The plants that interest me the most are the complex "bulldog" paph crosses, particularly the older ones. I collect old Nepenthes hybrids from the Victorian era, and other old crosses that are in danger of being lost in cultivation. I would like to do the same with paphs. I suspect these plants will prove significantly easier to grow than my P. armeniacum!
Welcome along Shawn. I'm sure there are plenty of people here who will be able to help in your search.

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